Hello Again!
I told you I wanted to improve communications with club members…lol! Here with another Metro update. I received an email from a parent today that helped to identify a misunderstanding so I wanted to clear a few things up! Thanks to that parent for reaching out! Keep the questions and comments coming!
We, PCSPMSA, are NOT removing the U11 or U9 divisions from our Metro teams if we decide to create a U10 division. If Metro League Organizers decide to create the U10 division we still have the option to create a U10 team or stay the same as we are now with our U11 and U9 squads. If it will benefit our players to have a U10 team and we go that route, we will STILL have a U11 and U9 team. They are not going away.
Why haven’t we made these decisions by now rather than leave it to the last minute? Another good question. The answer is simply, we can’t make that decision until Metro League decides for certain if there will be a U10 division. If you recall from the first update, Metro have been discussing a U10 division for years and many of us smaller clubs don’t see any benefit right now to have one. When that decision is made then we have to look at our numbers of players in that age group and decide what works best for our players. If U10 makes sense then we have a U9, U10, and U11 squad otherwise it is status quo with U9 and U11. Unfortunately it has to be a “game time decision†so to speak. Either way, we will let you, the members, know as soon as we know.
Thanks again for the input parents! Keep the comments and questions coming!
As always, keep an eye out for these information pieces. I’ll reply to all emails as soon as I can and I’ll get the answers you need. I can be reached at metro_pyl@pcspminorsoccer.ca.
Thanks to all and see you on the field!