Hello everyone,
I want to improve our communication channels going forward so I’m hoping to regularly post information on our website, social media, and any other methods that successfully get the important messages out to you all . Keep an eye out for these information pieces and if you have any questions about Metro or PYL programs please send them along to me by email and I’ll get the answers you need. I can be reached at metro_pyl@pcspminorsoccer.ca.
So, the buzz on the field and in the stands is all about the upcoming U10 division for Metro League next spring. What does it mean for any current U9 players/parents in our club? Let me give you the low down as far as I understand it. If you have any more questions after reading this, please send them along and I’ll get you the answers you need.
For a number of years, several of the larger clubs have been asking Metro organizers to create a U10 division because they have a large number of players in the U11 age group. The U9 groups for the larger clubs are also overcrowded and they requested a U10 group so they can spread out their players. Metro organizers have been discussing this issue for years with all the soccer clubs to see what the majority of the clubs would like to do. So far the consensus has been a resounding “Wait until next year and we will look at it againâ€. This year it could be the same result when the organizing committee meets in the spring or the vote could be to create that additional U10 grouping.
So if the U10 division is created what does that mean for us at PCSPMSA? Well, really it depends. We can decide to put in a U10 team, or not. We can choose to create an under 10 team for either boys or girls if that is what works best for our club or we can decide to stay the way we do things now with U9 and U11 teams. We are going to do what is best for the club and our players. So this brings us to the next question. Who makes that decision for our club? Well, that is the responsibility of the Technical Director. Matt is keeping his finger on the pulse of all things soccer for our club and he will, in consultation with me, decide what makes us a competitive and growing club.
That’s it for now! If you still have questions, reach out to me and I’ll get answers.